Grafana/prometheus dashboard HTTP Breakdown Panel

Hi folks. Apologies in advance since my gut tells me this is a grafana dashboard issue rather than a purely k6 issue. However I have success here so I’ll take the risk on breaking the rules…

metrics forwarded to prometheus output remote-write docker-compose bundle running locally on my workstation.

Output Summary from my CLI

     checks...................................: 100.00% ✓ 246726     ✗ 0     
     data_received............................: 127 MB  88 kB/s
     data_sent................................: 352 MB  243 kB/s
     dropped_iterations.......................: 1669    1.154816/s
     group_duration...........................: avg=348.38ms   min=48.5ms  med=365.27ms max=1.47s    p(75)=453.73ms p(90)=524.12ms p(99)=711.19ms 
     http_req_blocked.........................: avg=6.04ms     min=1µs     med=4µs      max=1.47s    p(75)=4µs      p(90)=5µs      p(99)=276.75ms 
     http_req_connecting......................: avg=6.02ms     min=0s      med=0s       max=1.47s    p(75)=0s       p(90)=0s       p(99)=276.16ms 
   ✗ http_req_duration........................: avg=350.1ms    min=42.42ms med=368.85ms max=1.47s    p(75)=455.88ms p(90)=523.54ms p(99)=730.67ms 
       { expected_response:true }.............: avg=350.1ms    min=48.27ms med=368.86ms max=1.47s    p(75)=455.88ms p(90)=523.54ms p(99)=730.67ms 
     ✗ { test_type:reserve_gate_rush }........: avg=407.51ms   min=53.54ms med=427.88ms max=1.29s    p(75)=494.46ms p(90)=600.41ms p(99)=774.95ms 
     ✗ { test_type:reserve_peak }.............: avg=325.26ms   min=52.19ms med=339.15ms max=1.47s    p(75)=442.72ms p(90)=479.52ms p(99)=686.22ms 
     ✗ { test_type:resolve_gate_rush }........: avg=377.44ms   min=42.42ms med=398.5ms  max=1.46s    p(75)=469.67ms p(90)=560.94ms p(99)=742.88ms 
     ✗ { test_type:resolve_peak }.............: avg=303.07ms   min=48.27ms med=312.61ms max=1.02s    p(75)=429.89ms p(90)=465.39ms p(99)=633.24ms 
     ✗ { test_type:session_get_gate_rush }....: avg=372.6ms    min=48.6ms  med=393.25ms max=1.13s    p(75)=466.5ms  p(90)=553.88ms p(99)=753.07ms 
     ✗ { test_type:session_get_peak }.........: avg=299.32ms   min=48.63ms med=307.27ms max=970.61ms p(75)=428.2ms  p(90)=464.22ms p(99)=603.37ms 
     ✗ { test_type:session_post_gate_rush }...: avg=396.03ms   min=53.96ms med=420.37ms max=1.46s    p(75)=483.66ms p(90)=586.05ms p(99)=766.4ms  
     ✗ { test_type:session_post_peak }........: avg=325.41ms   min=53.64ms med=339.59ms max=1.47s    p(75)=442.98ms p(90)=480.38ms p(99)=677.1ms  
   ✓ http_req_failed..........................: 0.00%   ✓ 2          ✗ 257409
     ✓ { test_type:reserve_gate_rush }........: 0.00%   ✓ 1          ✗ 54544 
     ✓ { test_type:reserve_peak }.............: 0.00%   ✓ 0          ✗ 62954 
     ✓ { test_type:resolve_gate_rush }........: 0.00%   ✓ 1          ✗ 54540 
     ✓ { test_type:resolve_peak }.............: 0.00%   ✓ 0          ✗ 62955 
     ✓ { test_type:session_get_gate_rush }....: 0.00%   ✓ 0          ✗ 5208  
     ✓ { test_type:session_get_peak }.........: 0.00%   ✓ 0          ✗ 6010  
     ✓ { test_type:session_post_gate_rush }...: 0.00%   ✓ 0          ✗ 5195  
     ✓ { test_type:session_post_peak }........: 0.00%   ✓ 0          ✗ 6003  
     http_req_receiving.......................: avg=170.05µs   min=0s      med=31µs     max=452.26ms p(75)=37µs     p(90)=48µs     p(99)=115µs    
     http_req_sending.........................: avg=25.21µs    min=7µs     med=22µs     max=5.4ms    p(75)=27µs     p(90)=35µs     p(99)=61µs     
     http_req_tls_handshaking.................: avg=0s         min=0s      med=0s       max=0s       p(75)=0s       p(90)=0s       p(99)=0s       
     http_req_waiting.........................: avg=349.91ms   min=42.4ms  med=368.7ms  max=1.47s    p(75)=455.76ms p(90)=523.26ms p(99)=729.17ms 
     http_reqs................................: 257411  178.108065/s
     iteration_duration.......................: avg=3.1s       min=43.02ms med=3.24s    max=7.26s    p(75)=4.42s    p(90)=5.35s    p(99)=5.65s    
     iterations...............................: 246728  170.716273/s
     transaction_time.........................: avg=347.010022 min=48.276  med=364.3525 max=1472.994 p(75)=452.593  p(90)=521.02   p(99)=708.79825
     vus......................................: 479     min=0        max=1041
     vus_max..................................: 1709    min=40       max=1709

running (24m05.3s), 0000/1709 VUs, 246728 complete and 0 interrupted iterations
peak_reserve           ✓ [======================================] 000/319 VUs  14m0s  00.84 iters/s
peak_resolve           ✓ [======================================] 000/320 VUs  14m0s  00.84 iters/s
peak_session_get       ✓ [======================================] 000/034 VUs  14m0s  0.26 iters/s
peak_session_post      ✓ [======================================] 000/035 VUs  14m0s  0.26 iters/s
gate_rush_reserve      ✓ [======================================] 000/479 VUs  9m0s   001.02 iters/s
gate_rush_resolve      ✓ [======================================] 000/465 VUs  9m0s   001.02 iters/s
gate_rush_session_get  ✓ [======================================] 000/049 VUs  9m0s   00.32 iters/s
gate_rush_session_post ✓ [======================================] 000/048 VUs  9m0s   00.32 iters/s
thresholds on metrics 'http_req_duration, http_req_duration{test_type:reserve_gate_rush}, http_req_duration{test_type:reserve_peak}, http_req_duration{test_type:resolve_gate_rush}, http_req_duration{test_type:resolve_peak}, http_req_duration{test_type:session_get_gate_rush}, http_req_duration{test_type:session_get_peak}, http_req_duration{test_type:session_post_gate_rush}, http_req_duration{test_type:session_post_peak}' have been breached

Filter selections set to ALL

** URL Filter selections set to any value**

the question I have is whether or not this is normal/expected given my testId, scenario and URL items. each of my group names are unique and each request header has a tag:name pair, which I presume maps to the URL filter in the dashboard.

  1. when All is selected for each filter (tested, scenario, url) the http breakdown panel is null
  2. when I leave testId and scenario set to All and selected any URLthen and only then will the http breakdown panel visualize the captured metrics from the runtime.


Thanks in advance,


Hey @PlayStay,
sorry for the late reply.

We submitted new changes to the dashboard, you can find them in the Prometheus output repository. Can you check if they fix your issues, please?


thanks @codebien we’re in the process of upgrading our grafana/prometheus instances from v7 to v9. once that is complete I’ll check again.

thanks for the support!

Hello @codebien I pulled the latest build and the http breakdown panel is now working without having to select a URL from the drop menu.

thanks @codebien !!