How can I import k6 ONTO a different testing framework (puppeteer/codeceptjs, etc)

Same as you can integrate lodash library on puppeteer or another framework, we would like to import k6 as library onto puppeteer or codeceptjs.

I’m now using following framework [] , on which we are developing UI and API automated tests.
And we want to reuse our existing API automated code to do load & performance tests too.
Our runner is going to be codecept.

Thank you

Hi and welcome to the forums! :partying_face:

If I understand your question correctly you want to use k6 as a js lib that you important from another test tool? This is unfortunately not possible as k6 is not written in javascript but in go. The only part of k6 that is in javascript is the actual test script.

Hope that answers your question, even if it wasn’t the answer you were looking for.

Best regards,