How to add tags into datadog metrics

Hi, I’ve been working with the K6 metrics visualization on Datadog. This is the documentation I’ve been consulting: Datadog

After running the command:
K6_STATSD_ENABLE_TAGS=true k6 run --out statsd k6_script.js

I’m able to visualize all the metrics but I don’t see any tags but ‘host’. Checking the JSON output I’m able to see the expected tags. Am I missing something?

Hi @omorales,
welcome to the community forum.

Are you running your tests in the cloud or on a local machine? Your command seems you’re running on local but you posted in the Cloud support.

Which is your operating system? If you’re running on Windows you could check this similar question K6_STATSD_ENABLE_TAGS not recognised

Let me know

Hi @codebien,
I’m running them on a local machine. I’m working on MacOS.
The script runs fine, I get the output in terminal. The issue is that when I check the metrics on Datadog, they are available but without any datadog tags, just as it is shown in the image.