How to understand "check" metric

I have run the load test with single check for each request. after running whole test, I got result but I don’t know why the number of fails are not equals in the report. Please the image for detail.

Could anyone help me to clear this information?

HI @tandt, sorry for the late reply.

Could you give us a little bit more information? There shouldn’t be such a difference but maybe it is bug 949 which is due to the way we currently handle teardown and setup.
Where do you have your checks ? Are you using iterations, duration or stages to say how long your test should be?

Hi mstoykov,

My script does not contain setup and teardown. I just set duration for load test, and 1 check for each request.

@tandt, thanks for reporting this, unfortunately it is a bug in k6 and I created a new github issue to track it: Mismatch in check counts in the end-of-test summary · Issue #1033 · grafana/k6 · GitHub

The good news, as I’ve described in the issue, is that due to the current major refactoring of k6 internals in, we’re inadvertently in the process of fixing the bug.

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