If I specify a threshold would that be automatically present in the system console output?

These are my thresholds that I verify

actualTimeToCreateASecret: [‘avg < 500’, ‘p(99.9) < 2000’], // avg time should be less than 500 ms and 95% within 2s.
actualTimeToReadASecret: [‘avg < 500’, ‘p(99.9) < 2000’], // avg time should be less than 500 ms and 95% within 2s.
actualTimeToUpdateASecret: [‘avg < 500’, ‘p(99.9) < 2000’], // avg time should be less than 500 ms and 95% within 2s.
actualTimeToDeleteASecret: [‘avg < 500’, ‘p(99.9) < 2000’], // avg time should be less than 500 ms and 95% within 2s.

I do not see p(99.9) column in the output

✓ actualTimeToCreateASecret…: avg=21.32ms min=0s med=9.45ms max=1.47s p(90)=21.34ms p(95)=39.65ms
✓ actualTimeToDeleteASecret…: avg=19.09ms min=0s med=8.38ms max=1.48s p(90)=18.78ms p(95)=31.03ms
✓ actualTimeToReadASecret…: avg=11.38ms min=0s med=5.33ms max=1.46s p(90)=12.34ms p(95)=18.58ms
✓ actualTimeToUpdateASecret…: avg=19.1ms min=0s med=8.94ms max=1.47s p(90)=19.49ms p(95)=34.61ms

Hi @21.prash,

If I specify a threshold would that be automatically present in the system console output?

There will be a tick or cross next to the specific metric it is a bout but it won’t add the specific stats that you have used.

To that you need to specify Summary trend stats. The example there specifically adds p(99.9) as well.

Hope this helps you!

Thank you! It worked!