OpenPGP with K6

Hi, I need to do some PGP encryption on my request parameters before sending a request to my server in my k6 script.

I tried importing the openpgp.js library to quickly do some pgp encryption but getting errors while running the script.

ERRO[0000] could not initialize ‘dist/payments_resource.create_payment.test.bundle.js’: could not load JS test ‘file:///Users/anil.gangapersaud/Desktop/dev/payment-processor/k6/dist/payments_resource.create_payment.test.bundle.js’: file:///Users/anil.gangapersaud/Desktop/dev/payment-processor/k6/dist/payments_resource.create_payment.test.bundle.js: Line 37:227 Unexpected reserved word (and 5335 more errors)

Hi @AnilGangapersaud,
sorry for the late reply, did you already try this guide for bundling Node modules?

Let me know if it helps.