Report customisation in K6 cloud

Hi Team, How can we view 90th percentile in k6 cloud, and also please let me know is there any possibility to filter based on time series and export that results based on the groups added in script to get the collective response time?

Hi @divinp unfortunately you currently can’t get p(90) graphed in the cloud, there is an issue tracking that if you want to follow it. As mentioned there you can define a threshold which … somewhat works around it but it’s not great :frowning: .

I didn’t understand the second part of your question do you want to:

  1. only send some data to k6 cloud?
  2. export only some data from k6 cloud?

@mstoykov you mean to say that we can’t get p90 or do we have an option to get that?

sorry a had a typo - I have now fixed it. And you can not get p90 at least not in the same way you have p95 currently for example

the second part of question is i have added multiple groups to make as a transaction, for example Homepage, Search, AddToCart etc in which I have multiple URLs within that group.

group HomePage

group Search

and when report is generated in k6 cloud, the URLs are grouped when we change ViewAs option, but is there an option for us to download it in an excel format with response time for grouped.

I have already tried the csv download option but its giving the dump of all requests and difficult to segregate from that.

Hi @divinp, it’s currently not possible to not export all requests from the cloud. Can you please open an issue on the k6-cloud-feature-requests repo.