Shared array for nested json

I guess I misunderstood the question then the answer is that you sould probably do:

var TestEnvtContentURL = new SharedArray("Test Envt content Links", function () {
 return JSON.parse(open('./data/dataURL.json')).TestEnvt[0].content_url; 

var TestEnvtImagesURL = new SharedArray("Test Envt images Links", function () {
 return JSON.parse(open('./data/dataURL.json')).TestEnvt[0].images_url; 

/// later 
var contentURLIndex = generateContentURLIndex();
var contentURL = TestEvntContentURL[contentURLIndex % TestEnvtContentURL.length];

Where generateContentURLIndex is w/e you want, you can look at threads such as When parameterizing data, how do I not use the same data more than once in a test? or Want unique data per vus,and each loop sequentially in loop for some ideas on how to generate index.

Is that what you wanted?

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